The South does NOT Run on Dunkin’

This morning, Justin and I began our first ever, kid-free adventure–at least, first ever since having kids.

We stopped at a Dunkin’ Donuts, which all you northerners take for granted. Here in…Tennessee (I think?), speed is not the name of the game. In fact, I do believe Constant State of Confusion is the name of the game. My coffee is a large hazelnut raspberry hot coffee, light and sweet. The cashier hits the “less cream and sugar” button. Woah. No. Extra cream, extra sugar. 2 minutes later, from somewhere in the background I hear a woman yell, “the raspberry is sugar free!” What?! No! EXTRA sugar! “But the raspberry flavor is sugar free!” And?! For a decade, I’ve gotten the same exact coffee from Dunkin’! This should not be confusing!

The poor girl in front of us was dressed for a hot summer day, even though it’s freezing and raining. After waiting much longer than we had been, a girl behind the counter said to the shivering waif, “um, do you still want your cappuccino?” Nah girl, she’s just waiting her, freezing, in hopes of never getting her drink. It’s what we’re all hoping for.

Justin pointed out that there were 6 people working, and said, “in New York, it would be two 16 year old girls, and they’d do this all twice as fast.” True.

As we were getting back into our car (after spending 20 minutes of our lives waiting for coffee), a car with NY plates pulled into a space across from us. “Do you think we should warn them??”

Nah–let them be as amused as we just were. Watching in disbelief as 6 humans maintained a high level of confusion over coffee making.

We’re only 4 hours into this adventure! But we have coffee!!!