Sittin’ in Self-Quarantine, Wastin’ Time

I don’t have coronavirus. I also don’t know anyone personally who does. That doesn’t mean I’m running around with an “I’m not worried” attitude.

I’m currently on day 13,797 of practicing social-distancing. Give or take. I’ve had lapses in my practice, but for the most part, I’ve limited human interaction to mainly small gatherings for my nearly 38 years on Earth. Thank you, thank you, I know–extroverts everywhere are reading that and gasping in horror. I would like to thank my Mom, for passing down her introvert gene. I proudly come from a long line of introverts, mostly on my Mom’s side.

For a majority of my life, my Introvert personality was something I thought I could change; something I thought I wanted to change. These last 18 months, I’ve been feeling myself slipping closer to the edge of “recluse,” and I do often have to talk myself into going to events where I know there will be people.

The fact of the matter is, I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about you. Let’s all stop worrying about “me,” and start focusing on what we can do for our neighbor. You can choose to believe that this is a real virus, with scary consequences, or you can continue to chalk it up to liberal hype. Regardless of your beliefs on this matter, please, practice a little social-distancing. If the idea of staying away from humans terrifies you, just remember, introverts have most likely spent their entire lives dreading large gatherings. Welcome to our world. Sit back, read a book. And keep your grimy mitts to yourself.